
FAT MEDICAL ADVOCACY | The Real Causes of the Obesity Epidemic | My Three Hundred and Fifty Pound Weight Gain | The Failure of Size Acceptance | Round Responses | Write The Largest of All!
Write The Largest of All!
The Largest of All

We love to get mail!

Agree? Disagree? Write me and tell me your reactions.


If youd like to contribute your own essays on size acceptance issues, fat health advocacy, or your own experience, please email me.

Whats New

Look here for new additions. There will more changes and essays to come. Upcoming essays are:

Weight Loss Mentors: links/discussion of superfat people who have succeeded in weight loss and refound health.

Healthy Eating

Dealing with Access Issues

Website published October 2001

Here I'll include a list of issues I'd like writers and artists who want to contribute to my e-zine to keep in mind. For example, I might include: